Singularly the most awkward moment in May’s career.

hand-in-handFor me, it started with glee – Mrs May gets to be the first head of state to meet Trumpy-babes.  She’s champing at the bit, looking for some success amid the endless commenting and planning for Brexit.

Planning which, in essence – is just wishes, as twenty-seven other member states (many of them run far more fairly, far more cleverly than us in the UK) effectively decide our fate.

Then the demonstrations start – and at home Mr Corbyn (for once) comes out with the one thing he needed to – bang on focus, bang on time – “Donald Trump should not be welcomed to Britain while he abuses our shared values with his shameful Muslim ban and attacks on refugees’ and women’s rights.”  – and as the weekend news reels juxtaposition each item to suit the organisation’s needs or creeds, the mess spreads.

Of course, it’s a mess that is a few years old – coming to, or starting to show itself through popularism, and a lot of that based on what headlines a few rags decide to run – truth or not.

But it’s dangerous stuff.  The seeds of change without the first idea of what to replace it with.

And without that, it’s back to neo-liberalism, just for the sake of stability.



No veneer in ‘ere?


Oak Furniture Land just got their TV advert banned for spouting blatant untruths – well, one, the one about veneer.

A bit CRUCIAL though – like: This car has wheels – oh no, sorry, it doesn’t.

To be fair I don’t mind this company’s adverts – they’re jolly, and don’t employ any mind-bending techniques or aspirational music.
Truth is, I was going to give them a quick blast – as we noticed last night their BIG WINTER SALE is on (hot on the heels of Xmas sale, boxing day blah blah) – so we’ve started noting just how many SALES they’ll manage this year.

Any guesses?

caveat emptor









Amongst the Christmas TV stuff Sunny loans implored us to chill out, fear not, Sunny offer ‘life support’ – if, IF you take out one of their loans.

Let’s just be clear here – if you borrow £500 and take a year to pay it back, you’ll be paying back £6455 in interest. OK?

sunny loans cost

OK this is all common knowledge isn’t it? You merely need to peer down to the bottom-left bit of your screen, keep your eyes fixed there and you’ll see the APR plainly displayed for each and every one of those likely to be taken in, to jot it down, grab a calculator, work out all the stuff, and make Sunny loans a company that NEVER has any customers – it’s easy isn’t it?

What the hell are people supposed to do? What with new handbags needed so badly, latest phones arriving, fitness trackers making people so cool across our screens, pet insurance sold like you’ll be a murdering bastard if you think it unnecessary.

I really don’t know what all the fuss is about? Get into sufficient mess and you can ring-up “South Today” or “Points East” or post on Twitface that your son/daughter/lovely kitten is about to die of starvation; all because of these awful terrible loan people.  They just don’t care, do they?